I help burnt-out women untangle themselves from work by showing them in courses and group coaching how to playfully peel away from those endless emails and leap into the arms of what really matters:

Spontaneous kitchen dances with your partner, tickle fights with your kids, and evenings where work is just a distant memory transform
'I’m too busy' into 'I’m too busy loving my life.'

It’s always hard to find the time

I know what it’s like to feel like there is never enough time. The demands are high, people need our services, expertise, and time, and we do not like to disappoint.

Imagine for a moment that you poured into your own development. You have prioritized your well-being, time, and creativity and found a new passion for how you care for and nourish others in your community.

I’m here to help you do just that

Ann Robinson, LCSW

I’m a licensed clinical social worker and wellness strategist, and I’m wildly passionate about supporting women to be their best selves. 

With my help, you’ll feel empowered to find clarity in your wants, needs, and thoughts.

And through that, I’ll help you build up from your current situation, blow the dust off your goals, and prove to you that they are more attainable than you might think.

I’m here to subtract the fuzziness from your life and give you direction, confidence, and time management skills so you truly have your cake and eat it too.

That means professional fulfillment as well as personal indulgence.

Meeting the needs of your family as well as leading a life that completely serves you.

And erasing the negative self-talk, artifacts of trauma, and “not good enough” attitude that toxifies everything it touches. 


you deserve the same care you give others

Burnt Out to Brilliant Coaching Program

Thank you so much for a meaningful, safe, and professional learning environment. I've enjoyed every minute of our time together.

You ROCK; thanks for teaching me so, so, so, so much this past year! I will miss you so much.

Love this space! I appreciate how the space is relaxed and professional at the same time. I enjoy the variety of topics we cover, and I appreciate the many forms in which we explore them (i.e. youtube videos, articles, podcasts, etc.).


  • A coaching session might be the right step if things are going fairly well, but you’re looking for an outside perspective, accountability, and support in ironing out some of the details or pain points.

  • Helpers of all shapes and sizes. Coaching is available to folks worldwide; it’s not limited to just the states I live in and am licensed in.

  • Nope. Coaching is not a service billable to insurance.